May Gray again today with beautiful sea conditions allowed us to search the channel at high speeds.
We ventured to the same feeding spot south of the east channel buoy today and found a whole heap of marine life. Our first sighting was a cow/ calf pair of humpback whales. The calf sported white tail flukes and was an adventurous young whale, spending a lot of time away from mom while she fed down below. A couple more single humpbacks were in the area and gave us beautiful tail flukes. In this same area, ~500 spread-out common dolphins passed us by as we searched for more blubber.
Among the whales, a few giant spots stood out upon the crowd; 2 blue beauties! From a distance, we saw one of the giant's flukes. We spent time with a juvenile blue as well as a full-grown adult before heading back to the harbor after another day in SB paradise.
Until Next Time,
The SBWW Crew
